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Each Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) lift truck in the
MTC series has been designed with component
commonality, for much simplified operational
maintenance and bespoke productivity packages.
They demonstrate Yale’s total commitment to
innovative design, comprehensive testing,
high quality advanced components and superior
manufacturing. The company’s leadership in
the materials handling sector has been achieved
through extensive research among existing
and prospective customers, lift tr
uck operators
and experts in ergonomics and biometrics.
The Yale MTC series delivers low cost of
ownership, achieved through dependability,
productivity and operator comfort. Considerable
investment, total commitment and extensive
research ensure that every single Yale MTC lift
truck represents an exceptional solution to
today’s materials handling requirements.

The Yale MTC series of lift trucks has been
designed and manufactured with one aim in
mind, to be the most dependable truck in the
industry today. This has been achieved through
significant investment in people, processes and
capital equipment to deliver high quality and
the two essential cornerstones of dependability:
Reliability through innovative design,
the highest quality and the most
advanced components.
Durability through superior manufacturing
and comprehensive testing.

Electronics You Can Rely On
The foundation of the electrical system on all MTC
trucks, is firmly based on:
n Yale’s ground breaking AC Technology Sealed
Motors, electrical connectors and Hall-effect
sensors deliver superior dependability
n CANbus technology drives improved reliability
and enhanced durability by reducing wiring by
40% and electrical connections by 75%
n For optimal performance, CANbus electronics
provide function monitoring and diagnostic
capabilities as well as continuous sensing of
speed to height to weight ratios as standard.
Power Train
Total control, powerful acceleration and fast travel
speeds are delivered through AC motor technology
combined with
heavy-duty transmissions. Protecting
this power train is vitally important for increased
dependability. The Power Train utilises Yale’s new,
highly innovative
power reversal system. This ensures
that maximum braking efficiency and dependability are
achieved. As a result the heat build-up normally
associated with the electromagnetic brakes which locks
up the drive unit is reduced. Consequently the lift truck
is brought to an efficient, controlled stop, very quickly.
Thermal Protection
Yale’s innovative thermal management system
continually monitors component temperature and
makes appropriate adjustments to prevent overheating.
This system features fully enclosed
passive cool
, which deliver exceptional air management.
When combined, these systems allow Yale MTC
trucks to run significantly cooler and for longer.
The heavy duty, dual motor, electro-hydraulic system
with transistor control benefits from
O-ring face seals on
high pressure hydraulic connections. This eliminates pipe
fittings and thread sealants resulting in leak-free joints.
The system includes a number of
patented components
supported by a superior filtration system that increases
their lifespan and contributes to increased dependability.

Yale MTC Trucks are designed to exceed
customer’s specific application requirements
and to ensure the
highest performance levels.
Delivering exceptional product performance
leads to improved productivity and throughput
and the resulting cost savings.
sealed AC motors, providing fast travel
speeds and powerful acceleration to
speed to height to weight ratio sensing
Yale MTC state-of-the-art technology delivers
trucks with increasingly reliable performance
levels. What’s more, with an
strong boxed frame
design and a stiff, heavy
tri-form and quad-for
m mast
, every
facet of these trucks makes them a market
leader in high density warehouse applications.
All components are designed for strength,
dependability and longevity.
Simultaneous Functions
The Yale MTC patented hydraulic system offers
reduced cycle time by allowing multiple, combined
or independent hydraulic functions. This innovative
new system also offers improved power management
either by using the regenerated energy to increase
performance levels or by increasing battery autonomy.
The Patented Hydraulic System
This is unique in three main areas:
n The main hydraulic block can combine or divide
the flow of the two pump motors depending on
the requirement
n The system incorporates load sensing, which
allows combined movements of the trilateral
attachment functions
n The pumps are bi-directional and can be used,
along with the electrical circuit, to reclaim energy.

AC Motor Technology
Traction, steering and both hydraulic motors are sealed
to prevent the ingress of dust or dirt, improving reliability
and performance and benefit from the use of three
phase, AC technology.
Yale two or three stage masts, in both tri-form and
quad-form, provide exceptional mast rigidity and stability,
with lift heights that can exceed 16 metres in fork height.
For optimized performance, Yale MTC trucks provide
continuous sensing of
speed to height to weight
control, which increases performance with
lighter loads
Non-intrusive Pantograph
A compact, integral, electronically adjustable pantograph
allows the truck to operate in
the smallest of aisles
with maximum side clearance. This provides unparalleled
performance where needed, with reduced energy
consumption for outstanding productivity.

Delivering the Right Truck
Cost of ownership can also be significantly reduced
by offering customers more choice to ensure that
the lift truck they purchase meets their specific
materials handling requirements. The Yale VNA
range offers that choice. Capacities up to 1500kg,
48V or 80V machines and various chassis lengths
options are just the beginning when it comes to
delivering the right truck application solution.
The purchase price of a VNA lift truck is
only a small par
t of its overall cost.
Periodic maintenance and unscheduled
repairs also impact on the overall cost of
ownership. Yale engineers are
focused on delivering cost savings
customers through world-class
serviceability, unparalleled dependability
and maximized uptime. It all adds up to
exceptional value.
WAREHOUSE SIZE Small Medium / Large Medium / Large
LOAD TYPE Light Loads Moderate Heavy Loads
APPLICATION Low Throughput Moderate Throughput High Performance
TRUCK USEAGE < 12 hours < 16 hours 24 hours
CHASSIS LENGTH 48V 3538mm 3698mm –
_ 3818mm (LWB) _
CHASSIS LENGTH 80V – 3698mm 3818mm (SWB)
_ _ 4143mm (LWB)
(SWB) = Short Wheel Base, (MWB) = Medium Wheel Base, (LWB) = Long Wheel Base.

Integral Pantograph
This allows the truck to work with increased side
clearances, further reducing the risk of product damage,
increasing operating clearance in existing warehouse
installations or reducing the aisles width in new build
designs. Reduced product damage and increased
volume utilization are key drivers for our customers
in the fight to achieve lower
cost of ownership.
Improving Uptime
Yale has significantly improved the serviceability of the
MTC series and reduced the labour costs associated
with periodic maintenance and unscheduled repairs.
Yale continues to offer best-in-class service access
with a one-piece, rear-opening steel hood. Simplifying
daily checks and reduced service requirements
result in lower maintenance costs, while brake life is
significantly improved thanks to Yale’s new, innovative
power reversal system.

By applying best-in-class ergonomics,
the Yale MTC reduces operator fatigue
and improves productivity. Innovative
designs including uncluttered floor space,
easy access and egress and ergonomically
designed controls (standard forward
mounted controls, optional seat side controls),
will make the MTC an operator favourite.
Seated or standing, order picking or full
pallet handling, the MTC provides a secure,
productive environment.
Forward Mounted Controls
Each function of the truck can be controlled without
needing to re-position the hands, as the proportional
control gives the operator the ability to keep total control
of the machine and turret head at all times. The controls
couldn’t be simpler as each truck function has its own
proportional control, which eliminates the need to press
additional buttons. Adjustable in height, angle and plane
they deliver the perfect ergonomic operating position
in both seated and standing positions and allow the
operator to perform multiple truck movements
simultaneously with the greatest of ease.
Interactive Information Display
An interactive information display is at the hub of the
operator control centre, providing the operator with
valuable feedback on steering wheel position, truck
speed, fork height, power management and additional
truck status information.
Operators Control Cabin
The large, patented operator presence foot sensor is
non-intrusively positioned under the floor mat, allowing
free comfortable movement, not confining the operator
to a fixed position. The patented height-adjustable
luxury operator’s seat, with ergonomically designed
high backrest and thick padding delivers real comfort.
The 20 degree seat rotation, with a spring-loaded
‘return to centre’ facility, allows the operator a
comfortable position when reversing. The fold-up seat
with padding allows it to be used as a backrest when
it is in the upright position and the operator standing.
Seat-side Controls
Yale’s ergonomically located controls are specifically
designed for operators who need to spend long
periods of time in a bulk-handling environment, where
a high throughput of pallet movements is demanded.
As a result of the optional seat-side controls, which
are adjustable in height, the operator can assume the
ideal driving position with ultimate comfort and control.

Reduced Service Requirements
Yale has reduced the regular service requirements on
the MTC to 1000 hour basic maintenance intervals.
Service intervals have been extended through the
introduction of pressure type hydraulic filters with
visual indicators, gear on gear steering and reduced
electrical connections and wiring.
On-board Diagnostics
The large, interactive information display provides the
operator with valuable feedback on steering wheel
position, truck speed, fork height, power management
and additional lift truck status information. It also
communicates service codes, enabling quick and
accurate repairs. Electric Truck AC Control (ETACC)
is a PC-based diagnostic tool that delivers fast and
accurate troubleshooting, which facilitates first-time fixes.
System Management
The Yale MTC also benefits from a CANbus vehicle
management system, which continuously monitors
and protects all electrical functions, assisting
pre-operational checks of the electric sensors,
encoders and switches providing real time system
information and increased uptime.
Yale MTC lift trucks set new standards of
serviceability, not only designed to need
less maintenance; they are also extremely
easy to service.
From the rear-opening, one piece reinforced
steel hood and on-board diagnostics, to
the reliable, most comprehensive parts
availability in the industry. The trucks have
been designed with exceptional service in
mind. Maximum access makes servicing
fast, easy and efficient.

MTC10 MTC13 MTC13 80V
& MTC15
Extended service intervals – 1000 hours basic maintenance Std Std Std
Service free sealed AC motors Std Std Std
Direct gear steering Std Std Std
Reduced electrical connections Std Std Std
Reduced wiring Std Std Std
One-piece steel motor compartment cover Std Std Std
Removable bumper plate Std Std Std
Pull down hydraulic valve block Std Std Std
On-board diagnostics with advanced dash display Std Std Std
PC based diagnostics enabling fast and accurate troubleshooting Std Std Std
Uncluttered layout with superb hydraulic and electrical routings Std Std Std
Superior filtration system Std Std Std
Sealed electrical connectors Std Std Std
O-ring face seals on high pressure hydraulic connectors Std Std Std
Solid-state hall effect sensors Std Std Std
Bolt-on roller plates Std Std Std
MTC10 MTC13 MTC13 80V
& MTC 15
Sealed AC motor and controllers Std Std Std
Direct gear steering Std Std Std
Isolated pump controllers Std Std Std
Solid-state Hall-effect sensors Std Std Std
Keypad entry with password protection Opt Opt Opt
Front load wheel protection Opt Opt Opt
End of aisle contr
ol Opt Opt Opt
Lift limit with override Opt Opt Opt
Pre-height selector Opt Opt Opt
Capacity 1000kg 1300kg 1500kg
Voltage 48V 48/80V 80V
Max Fork Height 8760mm 13400mm 16100mm
(1200mm deep pallet)
Aisle Size 1650mm 1650mm 1650mm
Mast Type Tri Form Tri Form Tri/Quad Form
Tri-form, 2 stage
Tri-form, 3 stage
Quad-form, 2 stage
Quad-form, 3 stage
Forward multi turn steer
Forward RTC steer
Seat Side multi turn steer
Seat Side RTC steer
6.5kW drive motor
2 x 12kW lift motors
8.5kW drive motor
2 x 14kW lift motors
Note: Std = Standard, Opt = Optional.

MTC10 MTC13 MTC13 80 V
& MTC15
CANbus electrical system Std Std Std
Sold-state Hall-effect sensors no adjustments required Std Std Std
Sealed electrical connectors Std Std Std
Precise wire harness routings Std Std Std
O-ring face seal hydraulic fittings Std Std Std
10-micron high performance pressure filter Std Std Std
Thermal management system enhance cooling Std Std Std
Direct gear steering Std Std Std
Heavy-duty ZF GK–series transmissions Std Std Std
Regenerative lowering Std Std Std
Load wheel braking Opt Opt Opt
MTC10 MTC13 MTC13 80 V
& MTC15
Simultaneous operation of truck functions Std Std Std
Synchronised control of fork traverse and rotation Std Std Std
Sealed AC motor and controllers Std Std Std
Continuous height sensing Std Std Std
Solid-state Hall-effect sensors Std Std Std
Sealed electricity connectors Std Std Std
Speed to height to weight control Opt Opt Opt
Rail guidance Opt Opt Opt
Wire guidance Opt Opt Opt
DC/DC converter for auxiliary power Opt Opt Opt
Document holder Opt Opt Opt
End of aisle controls Opt Opt Opt
Hydraulic fork positioner
MTC10 MTC13 MTC13 80V
& MTC15
Controls adjustable in height, tilt and plane Std Std Std
Soft touch electronic steering Std Std Std
Low step height 435mm Std Std Std
Extended foot space Std Std Std
Swing up slide gates Std Std Std
Soft, non-slip rubber floor mat Std Std Std
Large low profile foot sensors mounted under floor mat Std Std Std
Excellent mast visibility Std Std Std
Rotating operators seat Std Std Std
Large graphic LCD dash display Std Std Std
Multi-turn steering Std Std Std
Top/bottom mount attachment Std Std Std
Fold up seat for standing operation Std Std Std
Twin operator compartment fans Std Std Std
Cabin work light Std Std Std
Cabin side lights Std Std Std
IR sensors for hand detection Std Std Std
Seat-side controls Opt Opt Opt
Drink holder and trash bin Opt Opt Opt
Dual mirrors Opt Opt Opt
Return to centre steering Opt Opt Opt
Lexan screen on overhead guard Opt Opt Opt
Full width Lexan front screen Opt Opt Opt

Operators Control Cabin
The large, patented operator presence foot
sensor is positioned non-intrusively under
the floor mat, allowing free comfortable
movement, not confining the operator to a
fixed position. The patented height-adjustable
luxury operator’s seat, with ergonomically
designed high backrest and thick padding
delivers real comfort. The fold-up seat with
padding allows it to be used as a backrest
when it is in the upright position and the
operator standing.
The compact, integral, electronically
non-intrusive Pantograph
allows the truck to operate in the smallest
of aisles
with maximum side clearance
and provides unparalleled performance,
with reduced energy consumption for
outstanding productivity.
Forward Mounted Controls
Each function of the truck can be controlled
without needing to re-position the hands.
Proportional control gives the operator the
ability to keep total control of the machine
and turret head at all times and eliminates
the need to press additional buttons.
Adjustable in height, angle and plane they
the perfect ergonomic operating
in both seated and standing
positions allowing the operator to perform
multiple truck movements simultaneously.
The hub of the operator control centre is an
Interactive Information Display, providing the
operator with valuable feedback on steering
wheel position, truck speed, fork height,
power management and additional truck
status information.

AC Technology Sealed Motors, electrical
and Hall-effect sensors deliver
superior dependability. Traction, steering and
both hydraulic motors are sealed to prevent
the ingress of dust or dirt, improving reliability
and performance and benefit from the use
of thr
ee-phase, AC technology
CANbus electronics provides function
monitoring and diagnostic capabilities as well
as continuous sensing of
speed to height
to weight ratios as standard. CANbus
technology drives improved reliability and
enhanced durability by reducing wiring by
40% and electrical connections by 75%.
Tri-form and quad-form heavy duty two
or three stage masts provide exceptional
mast rigidity and stability, with lift heights
that exceed 16 metres fork height.
Capacities up to 1500kg and various chassis
lengths and voltage options are just the
beginning when
delivering the right truck
application solution.
Designed to exceed customer’s specific
application requirements and ensure the
highest performance levels the MTC series
delivers exceptional product performance
leading to improved productivity, throughput
and cost savings.
Continuous sensing provides
speed to
height to weight ratio
control, which
increases performance with lighter loads.
Patented Hydraulic System
Unique in three main areas:
n The main hydraulic block can combine
or divide the flow of the two pump
motors depending on the requirement
n The system incorporates load sensing,
which allows combined movements of
the trilateral attachment functions
n The hydraulic pumps are bi-directional
and can be used, along with the
electrical circuit, to reclaim energy.

Yale Europe Materials Handling
Flagship House, Reading Road Nor
th, Fleet, Hampshir
e GU51 4WD, England.
Tel: +44 (0) 1252 770 700 Fax: +44 (0) 1252 770 784
Publication Par
t No. 290000186 (Rev. 01)
Printed in the United Kingdom (0406W
2000) EN
Safety. These trucks conform to the current EC requirements.
Specification is subject to change without notice.